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Ad Management

Connect accounts from supported ad networks to your HubSpot account. Create audiences from your HubSpot CRM, and see which ads are generating customers.

Get started with HubSpot ad management.
  • This feature is available for free, with additional functionality in premium editions of HubSpot. See the pricing page for more information.

  • Quickly get started generating new leads for your business with:

    • Simple ad management across multiple platforms
    • Reporting that shows you which ads are paying off
    • Seamless CRM lead syncing for targeted ads
  1. Generate new leads with simple ad creation and seamless lead syncing.

    Creating, measuring, and optimizing ads across multiple platforms is time consuming. And it’s hard to commit budget to ads when you are seeing less and less return on your ad spend. 

    HubSpot ad management helps marketers stay targeted and relevant throughout the customer journey and, most importantly, drive more conversions and ROI. With CRM-powered targeting, the ability to report on data at every stage, you can manage your leads at scale and with efficiency--all from one data source, on one platform.


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  1. Manage ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Google.

    Siloed ad networks require integrations, store valuable data in isolation, and deliver poor ROI.

    HubSpot simplifies the process to bring all your ad campaigns across teams, platforms, and geographies into one place. Save time and achieve better results without having to manage multiple platforms.
  2. See which ads are creating new contacts.

    Traditional ad metrics like impressions, clicks, and cost-per-click don’t tell you whether ads are effective at converting views to leads or contacts.

    With full flywheel reporting, HubSpot’s ads manager delivers insights on the leads and ROI generated by each ad. Use attribution to understand how ads are performing and allocate money toward what’s working.
  3. Improve lead quality with CRM-powered advertising.

    With so much noise to cut through, marketers need to be even more granular with targeting to catch their audience’s attention.

    CRM-powered targeting lets HubSpot users create segmented audiences and personalized ads based on existing CRM and web analytics data. Better targeting means more relevant content and better return on ad spend.
  4. Get started today, no developer support needed.

    HubSpot’s ad management tools are designed to be marketer-friendly so you can get up and running fast.

    Connect your accounts, apply your tracking pixels, and start syncing leads with just a few clicks. No developer or IT setup required.

Have questions? Give us a call and we'll walk you through it.

+1 857-829-5060

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Ad (advertising) management is the process of organizing and streamlining the repetitive tasks needed for running advertisements. By automation tasks in the campaign planning and execution processes, marketers can run more productive and insightful campaigns across multiple channels.

    • Automated ad targeting
    • Support for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google ad platforms
    • Ad campaign reporting
  • You can get started with HubSpot’s ad management software for free. If you are looking for more advanced marketing software features to help organize your data and scale your team, HubSpot also provides a premium CRM offering.

  • The ads limit add-on can only be combined with Marketing Hub Professional and Enterprise editions. You cannot combine Free or Starter editions with an ads limit increase add-on at this time.

  • You can manage ads across Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google using HubSpot ad manager.

  • The ads limit increase product allows you to avail of 50 additional audiences and 50 additional events.

    • Ad audiences allow you to be more specific about who sees your Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn ads, by creating audiences based on website visitors, HubSpot contacts, or your existing audiences. 

    • Ad events sync your CRM lifecycle stage changes to your Google Ad account, allowing Google to optimize the delivery of your ads to the best possible customer for your business. If you’d like to learn more about leveraging audiences and events for your ad campaigns, just reach out to your Customer Success Manager.